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Иностранный язык в профессиональной сфере (английский)
ИТ.Иностранный язык в профессиональной сфере (английский).ТД
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A fixed-income security is an investment that provides in … the form of fixed periodic payments and the eventual return of principal at maturity.
A social movement, which considers globalization as a threat to democracy, workers’ rights and the environment:
A social security definition includes any … that assists members of its population, particularly those who are old, disabled, or sick.
A stable and prosperous society is the result of … .
Children''s economic security is indicated by…
Economic security is
Economic security, in the context of politics and international relations, is the ability of a nation-state to follow its choice of policies to develop the national economy … .
El Nino and rising sea temperatures are attributed to:
Employment security means that individuals have … that they will be able to continue their employment career.
Employment security means that people temporarily outside the … can have the confidence of being able to return to the labour market.
For economic relations between nations to be successful, a number of … need to be fulfilled.
Globalization has … the economic scenario of individual countries and the global economy as well.
Globalization refers to … among societies and economies across the globe.
If you want to assess financial performance of the enterprise, you should analyze …
In the United States, Social Security is a large federal program meant to provide … for retirees.
International economic relations play an important role in … of economies across the world.
International economic relations undertaken in the light of globalization have led to rapid … in poverty in many developing countries like India and China.
Liberal-market economic model … a lot of problems in the developing countries.
One of the several reasons economic security issues become important is ….
The central theme for different training courses for future managers must be …
The economic security of the university involves the formation of relationships with …
The economic sovereignty of the state is lost if it … of authority over its natural resources, productive potential and population to multinational moneylenders.
The practice of economically and militarily powerful nations of imposing
The use of open markets is an instrument to force … in the economy.
This is a financial process often used for outsourcing:
Unrestricted movement of goods and services, flow of capital, mobility of workforce, and reduction of regulatory … need to be ensured for successful economic relations.
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