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Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности
Тема 13. первичная бухгалтерская документация Э
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1. Source documents are the physical basis upon which .... are recorded.
2. Source documents are typically retained for use as evidence when auditors later review a company''s ....
3. .... contains a number of adjustments to a company''s book balance of cash on hand that the company should reference to bring its records into alignment with those of the bank.
4. .... tape can be used as evidence of cash sales, which supports the recordation of a sale transaction.
5. .... can be used as evidence for a disbursement of funds from petty cash.
6...... These images support the recordation of cash receipts from customers.
7. is a document, when coupled with a bill of lading and/or packing list, can be used to invoice a customer, which in turn generates a sale transaction.
8. .... . This is a source document that supports the issuance of a cash, check, or electronic payment to a supplier.
9. ... . This supports the issuance of a paycheck or electronic payment to an employee.
10. .... refers to money due to a seller from buyers who have not yet paid for their purchases.
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